• Leonardo Da Vinci Quotes: 18 Famous Quotes By Leonardo

Leonardo Da Vinci Quotes: 18 Famous Quotes By Leonardo

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Leonardo Da Vinci Quotes: Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci, more commonly Leonardo da Vinci or simply Leonardo (15 April 1452 – 2 May 1519), was an Italian polymath whose areas of interest included invention, painting, sculpting, architecture, science, music, mathematics, engineering, literature, anatomy, geology, astronomy, botany, writing, history, and cartography. 

Below are 18 Famous Quotes By Leonardo:

Leonardo Da Vinci Quotes

Leonardo Da Vinci Quotes

1. "Painting is poetry that is seen rather than felt, and poetry is painting that is felt rather than seen."

― Leonardo da Vinci


2. "Tears come from the heart and not from the brain."

― Leonardo da Vinci


3. "All knowledge which ends in words will die as quickly as it came to life."

― Leonardo da Vinci


4. "A bird is an instrument working according to mathematical law, which instrument it is within the capacity of man to reproduce with all its movements, but not with a corresponding degree of strength, though it is deficient only in the power of maintaining equilibrium. We may therefore say that such an instrument constructed by man is lacking in nothing except the life of the bird, and this life must needs be supplied from that of man."

― Leonardo da Vinci


5. "You should often amuse yourself when you take a walk for recreation, in watching and taking note of the attitudes and actions of men as they talk and dispute, or laugh or come to blows with one another... noting these down with rapid strokes, in a little pocket-book which you ought always to carry with you."

― Leonardo da Vinci


6. "Why does the eye see more clearly when asleep than the imagination when awake?"

― Leonardo da Vinci


7. "Nature is the source of all true knowledge. She has her own logic, her own laws, she has no effect without cause nor invention without necessity."

― Leonardo da Vinci


8. "Slender certainty is better than portentous falsehood."

― Leonardo da Vinci


9. "Nature is a source of truth. Experience does not ever err, it is only your judgment that errs in promising itself results which are not caused by your experiments." 

― Leonardo da Vinci


10. "Blinding ignorance does mislead us. O! Wretched mortals, open your eyes!"

― Leonardo da Vinci


11. "There are many occasions when the muscles that form the lips of the mouth move the lateral muscles that are joined to them, and there are an equal number of occasions when these lateral muscles move the lips of this mouth, replacing it where it cannot return of itself, because the function of muscle is to pull and not to push except in the case of the genitals and the tongue."

― Leonardo da Vinci


12. "The light for drawing from nature should come from the North in order that it may not vary. And if you have it from the South, keep the window screened with cloth, so that with the sun shining the whole day the light may not vary. The height of the light so arranged as that every object shall cast a shadow on the ground of the same length as itself."

― Leonardo da Vinci


13. "There is nothing which deceives us as much as our own judgement."

― Leonardo da Vinci


14. "Marriage is like putting your hand into a bag of snakes in the hope of pulling out an eel."

― Leonardo da Vinci


15.  "Sufficient for us is the testimony of things produced in the salt waters and now found again in the high mountains, sometimes far from the sea."

― Leonardo da Vinci


16. "The soul is content to stay imprisoned in the human body... for through the eyes all the various things of nature are represented to the soul"

― Leonardo da Vinci


17. "Such is the supreme folly of man that he labours so as to labour no more."

― Leonardo da Vinci


18. "Why are the bones of great fishes, and oysters and corals and various other shells and sea-snails, found on the high tops of mountains that border the sea, in the same way in which they are found in the depths of the sea? "

― Leonardo da Vinci


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