• The best way to built trust-How to rebuilt trust after broken part 1

The best way to built trust-How to rebuilt trust after broken part 1

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Wednesday, 01/06/2016 02:06

Trust can be rebuilt. It takes time, communication and pure hornesty. Let's read on 2quote.net



Taking Responsibility for your Actions


Come clean. If you are the one who betrayed someone else, you need to come clean. In interpersonal relationships, it’s especially important to tell the truth when you would benefit from a lie. If you have betrayed someone, coming clean at your own expense tells the other person that their well-being is more important than your own. Denial will only make the other party's distrust run deeper, especially if the truth is already clear.

Admit all of your mistakes. Even if there are parts that you can keep hidden without getting caught, you should still reveal them to the other person. Only in admitting all your mistakes can you be forgiven for all of them.



Expect an emotional reaction from the other person. Admitting that you betrayed someone is not going to make things easier immediately. On the contrary, you can expect an emotional outburst—yelling, crying, and so on—from the other person when she hears you admit your betrayal. But remember, the best way to move on is by putting it all into the open.



Apologize. This one should be obvious, but unfortunately, sometimes it gets overlooked. How you approach saying your apology will influence whether or not the apology is accepted and you both can move on.

When apologizing, avoid justifying your actions. Don’t claim that the offended person misunderstood you (“you read that wrong”). Don’t deny their hurt (“you didn’t even get hurt”). Don’t tell a sad tale (“I had a troubled childhood”).

The best way to accept responsibility is by recognizing the other person’s hurt, saying what you should have done instead, and doing that behavior in the futre.

Let the person you betrayed know why you are apologizing. If they know that you are apologizing out of guilt and shame, they are more likely to forgive you. If they think that you are apologizing out of pity, they are less likely to forgive you. Pity, unlike guilt and shame, does not show an element of personal responsibility of the offender. Pity also implies that the offender is superior to the offended.



Forgive yourself. When you violate someone's trust, you may feel so regretful that you have a hard time forgiving yourself for the violation. While a repentant heart is an essential part of making up with the person you betrayed, you also need to accept and learn to forgive yourself after you put the effort into making amends.

Remember that no one is perfect. Whether your error in judgment was minor or major, it goes to show that you are only human. Accept your failure, and try to push forward into the future.

By clinging to thoughts of past failure, you risk devaluing yourself. Once you begin to have such thoughts, it could zap your motivation for self-improvement.


                            SEE MORE: LOVE QUOTES, HOW TO REBUILT TRUST PART 2


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