• The best way to built trust-How to rebuilt trust after broken part 2

The best way to built trust-How to rebuilt trust after broken part 2

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Wednesday, 01/06/2016 02:06

Trust can be rebuilt. It takes time, communication and pure hornesty. Let's read on 2quote.net



 Moving Forward If You Betrayed Someone


Make your life transparent for the other person. Everybody wants to control personal information. But, for a little while, you may need to forfeit a portion of your privacy for the sake of the person trying to trust you again. By making your life transparent, the other person will be able to confirm with their own eyes that you are not in the midst of another betrayal.

This is especially important in romantic relationships broken apart by infidelity. Give your significant other complete, uncensored access to your texts, phone logs, emails, and appointment book for a few weeks to months after your betrayal. Let him or her know where you are and who you are with whenever possible.



Let the other person vent. Hard feelings are natural after any betrayal. The person who feels betrayed will need to vent their emotions and thoughts to heal. It might be unpleasant for you, but it is essential for the other person.

One of the worst things you can do is attempt to get them to “shut up” while expressing their anger. This action shows that you are not taking this person’s feelings seriously.

Let the other person vent at their own pace. Everyone goes about things in a different way and in a different time period. Rushing the other person shows a lack of consideration.



Keep your word going forward. Actions speak louder than words. Trust between two people means that you have to be dependable and consistent over a long period of time.You should make a promise to do better, but a promise or apology alone with only restore trust short-term. If you can’t be honest in the future, or cannot do all that you promise to do, the person you betrayed will be unable to accept that you have changed or that you are worthy of being trusted again.

You should avoid making the same mistake at all costs.



Stay patient. Understand that rebuilding trust takes time. Be patient with the other person, but be persistent in your own efforts.

Depending on the severity of your betrayal, building trust can take weeks, months, or years.

Never pressure the other person into showing you more trust.

Understand that things may never be quite the same after your betrayal, but if you show that you are a trustworthy person, some level of trust can usually be revived.


                            SEE MORE: LOVE QUOTES, HOW TO REBUILT TRUST PART 3


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