• 30 best sayings about the most meaningful and happy life

30 best sayings about the most meaningful and happy life

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Friday, 06/08/2021 03:08

30 best sayings about the most meaningful and happy life



Life is busy with so much chaos and pressure, then we want to find good sayings about happy life, good stories about life to relieve stress and pressure in this life. . Read and find the joy, laughter from the following good quotes about life.


1. Every day is a gift that life has given us.


2. The important thing is not where we are standing, but in the direction we are going.


3. Faith is a force that can make the impossible possible.


4. People may forget what you say, but what you leave in their hearts never fades.


5. It's easy to regret something we've lost, but it's hard to recognize and appreciate what we have...


6. Look at the world around you to see that you are still very happy compared to the suffering that other people are suffering.


7. Life is never a real deadlock or concept of losing everything as long as you have faith.


8. In life, where there is a winner, there is a loser. But the one who sacrifices for others is always the winner.


9. Don't believe in yourself - you've already failed half way before you even started.


10. Sharing and love is the most precious thing in the world.


11. No matter how dire the current situation, there is no better time to start than now.


12. Good memories and memories will help people overcome life's challenges.


13. An optimist is someone who sees green lights everywhere he looks, while pessimists see only red lights everywhere… the truly wise are colorblind.


14. Before the age of 48, a pessimist is someone who knows too much; If he's past that age and still optimistic, he knows too little.




15. Optimism is the seed planted in the soil of faith; Pessimism is the seed stored in the cellar of doubt.


16. If you can't build a city, build a pink heart.


17. A true friend is someone who walks into your life when the whole world has walked out.


18. Giving love is love that can be kept forever.


19. The darkest day will pass if you live to tomorrow.


20. The pessimist complains about the wind; optimists wait for it to change direction; real people adjust the sails.


21. Just because Fate doesn't give you a good card doesn't mean you should give up. It just means that you have to play those cards to their fullest potential.


22. An optimist can see light in a dark place, but why should a pessimist run to blow it out?


23. Live like a child


Smile when you're happy


Crying when sad


24. Easy to forget and easy to forgive,


25. If it's already your path, you have to walk it yourself.


26. Others can go with you, but no one can walk for you.


27. Most of us think too much about the cost of change that few people consider the cost if there is no change.


28. Originally this world does not have sugar.


29. People go forever and they become a road


30. Don't wait until the end of your life to realize that you've only lived the length of it. Let's live the breadth too


Thanks for watching!

Big Bill Rizer


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