• 131 Famous Aristotle Quotes - Best Quotes on Life and Human (Part 2)

131 Famous Aristotle Quotes - Best Quotes on Life and Human (Part 2)

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Monday, 30/05/2016 10:05

-- Famous Aristotle Quotes Part 1 --

aristotle quotes on fear


41.A great city is not to be confounded with a populous one.



42.It is possible to fail in many ways...while to succeed is possible only in one way.



43.The best political community is formed by citizens of the middle class.



44.Youth is easily deceived because it is quick to hope.



45.The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance.



46.What lies in our power to do, it lies in our power not to do.



47.Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work.



48.Misfortune shows those who are not really friends.



49.Anyone can become angry. That is easy. But to be angry with the right person, to the right degree, at the right time, for the right purpose and in the right way - that is not easy.



50.Dignity consists not in possessing honors, but in the consciousness that we deserve them.



51.He who is unable to live in society, or who has no need because he is sufficient for himself, must be either a beast or a god.



52.Hope is a waking dream.



53.The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.



54.The high minded man must care more for the truth than for what people think.



55.All virtue is summed up in dealing justly.



56.A whole is that which has beginning, middle and end.



57.Humor is the only test of gravity, and gravity of humor for a subject which will not bear raillery is suspicious, and a jest which will not bear serious examination is false wit.



58.In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous.



59.It is easy to fly into a passion--anybody can do that--but to be angry with the right person and at the right time and with the right object and in the right way--that is not easy, and it is not everyone who can do it.



60.Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.



61.The gods too are fond of a joke.



62.Well begun is half done.



63.Happiness depends upon ourselves.



64.Happiness is a state of activity.



65.Nature does nothing uselessly.



66.To perceive is to suffer.



67.Probable impossibilities are to be preferred to improbable possibilities.



68.What is a friend A single soul dwelling in two bodies.



69.All paid jobs absorb and degrade the mind.



70.The basis of a democratic state is liberty.



71.Consider pleasures as they depart, not as they come.



72.It is simplicity that makes the uneducated more effective than the educated when addressing popular audiences.



73.Education and morals will be found almost the whole that goes to make a good man.



74.It is unbecoming for young men to utter maxims.



75.Of all the varieties of virtues, liberalism is the most beloved.



76.The educated differ from the uneducated as much as the living from the dead.



77....happiness is the highest good, being a realization and perfect practice of virtue, which some can attain, while others have little or none of it...



78.A flatterer is a friend who is your inferior, or pretends to be so.



79.A friend is a second self.



80.A state is not a mere society, having a common place, established for the prevention of mutual crime and for the sake of exchange...Political society exists for the sake of noble actions, and not of mere companionship.



>> Famous Aristotle Quotes (Part 3)

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