• 59 Amy Tan Quotes Part 3 - Famous Author The Joy Luck Club

59 Amy Tan Quotes Part 3 - Famous Author The Joy Luck Club

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Here are 59 Quotes of Amy Tan part 3! Let's go reading now.

Quotes of Amy Tan

Quotes of Amy Tan

31. There are a lot of people who think that’s what’s needed to be successful is always being right, always being careful, always picking the right path.

– Amy Tan


32. So much of history is mystery. We don’t know what is lost forever, what will surface again. All objects exist in a moment of time. And that fragment of time is preserved or lost or found in mysterious ways. Mystery is a wonderful part of life.

– Amy Tan


33. I discovered that maybe it was fate all along, that faith was just an illusion that somehow you’re in control.

– Amy Tan


34. While it is good to speak well, it is better to speak the truth.

– Amy Tan


35. With hope, a mind is always free.

– Amy Tan


36. Your tears do not wash away your sorrows. They feed someone Else’s joy. And that is why you must learn to swallow your own tears.

– Amy Tan


37. We are living in a world where everything is false. The society is like bright paint applied on top of rotten wood.

– Amy Tan


38. Writing is an extreme privilege but it’s also a gift. It’s a gift to yourself and it’s a gift of giving a story to someone.

– Amy Tan


39. When you already believe something, how can you suddenly stop? When you are a loyal friend, how can you no longer be one?

– Amy Tan


40. They know where happiness lies, not in a cave or a country, but in love and the freedom to give and take what has been there all along.

– Amy Tan


41. Why do some memories live only on your tongue or in your nose? Why do others always stay in your heart?

– Amy Tan


42. How can you blame a person for his fears and weaknesses unless you have felt the same and done differently?

– Amy Tan


43. I love and am loved, fully and freely, nothing expected, more than enough received.

– Amy Tan


44. What happened to Violet was terrible, and I’m not saying fate happens without blame. But when fate turns out well, everyone should forget the bad road that got us here.

– Amy Tan


45. All of us are like stairs, one step after another, going up and down, but all going the same way.


– Amy Tan

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