• Top 15 Most Famous Aristophanes Quotes And Sayings

Top 15 Most Famous Aristophanes Quotes And Sayings

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Satuday, 09/07/2016 11:07

Aristophanes (c. 446 – c. 386 BC) was a Greek poet and playwright of the Old Comedy, also known as the Father of Comedy and the Prince of Ancient Comedy. Of his forty plays, eleven are extant, plus a thousand fragments of the others.

Aristophanes Quotes:

Aristophanes Quotes

Aristophanes Quotes

1. Open your mind before your mouth.

― Aristophanes


2. Full of wiles, full of guile, at all times, in all ways, are the children of Men.

― Aristophanes


3. A man may learn wisdom even from a foe.

― Aristophanes


4. You cannot teach a crab to walk straight.

― Aristophanes


5. Under every rock lurks a politician.

― Aristophanes


6. By words the mind is winged.

― Aristophanes


7. You have all the characteristics of a popular politician: a horrible voice, bad breeding, and a vulgar manner.

― Aristophanes


8. Quickly, bring me a beaker of wine, so that I may wet my mind and say something clever.

― Aristophanes


9. It is from their foes, not their friends, that cities learn the lesson of building high walls.

― Aristophanes


10. A man's homeland is wherever he prospers.

― Aristophanes


11. Let each man exercise the art he knows.

― Aristophanes


12. When men drink, then they are rich and successful and win lawsuits and are happy and help their friends. Quickly, bring me a beaker of wine, so that I may wet my mind and say something clever.

― Aristophanes


13. High thoughts must have high language.

― Aristophanes


14. It is bad taste for a poet to be coarse and hairy.

― Aristophanes


15. Shall I crack any of those old jokes, master,

At which the audience never fail to laugh?

― Aristophanes


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