Sad Quotes About Losing Your Best Friend

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Wednesday, 23/11/2016 03:11

Reading Sad Quotes About Losing Your Best Friend 

"One of the saddest things's about ending a ralationship, is losing your best friend"Sad quotes about losing your best friend

1. Losing a friend is more painful than losing a romantic relationship.

— Revan Al-asmari

2. I can't lose you. Because if I ever did, I'd have lost my best friend, my soul, my mate, my smile, my laugh, and my everything.

— Unknown

Sad quotes about losing your best friend

3. You and me, we used to be together, everyday together always I really feel that I'm losing my best friend, I can't believe this could be the end. It looks as though you're letting go And if it's real well I don't want to know.

— Unknown

4. That sad moment when you can feel you and best friend slowly drifting apart.

— Unknown

Sad quotes about losing your best friend

5. I'm losing a best friend of 4 years and we are extremely close. This is the worst feeling I have ever had.

— Unknown

6. You get used to someone being there for you, being your bestfriend, you have feelings. Then they are just leave. You feel empty.

— Unknown

Sad quotes about losing your best friend

7. Losing a best friend is like your heart melting from it's core, you can't do anything but cry and hope she will understand.

— Unknown

8. To lose a friend is hardship, but to forget them is as if you died too.

— Unknown

Sad quotes about losing your best friend

9. The day your friends stop bringing their problems to you, is the day you have lost your best place in their hearts.

— Unknown

10. One of the saddest things's about ending a ralationship, is losing your best friend.

— Unknown

Sad quotes about losing your best friend

11. I miss my friend so much. Our late night talks, our very random and happy conversations, feeling like I mattered, like I was special. But those days are gone, now I'm back to being no one. The friend I knew is gone.

— Unknown

12. I have lost my seven best friends, which is to say God has had mercy on me seven times without realizing it. He lent a friendship, took it from me,sent me another.

— Unknown

Sad quotes about losing your best friend

13. When you lose a bestfriend it's worse than breaking up with a boyfriend. Because you lose more than a heart you lose your soul. Your commom sense and a little bit of yourself.

— Unknown


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