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Reading Disappointed In Myself Quotes And Sayings
"At this moment I am feeling disappointed with myself and I am hurt and numb"
1. Nothing makes me more sad than being disappointed in myself.
— Unknown
2. Sometimes I'm disappointed in myself... Because I know I'm better than the choices I make and the thing I choose to deal with.
— Unknown
3. Still very disappointed with myself but since it's a new day I can start over.
— Unknown
4. Every time I act on a fear, I feel disappointed in myself. I have a lot of fear. If I can quit all fear in my life and all guil, then I tend to be much, much more living up to my standards. I've never seen a person fail if they didn't fear failure.
— Unknown
5. I'm disappointed with myself. I am disappointed not so much with the particular things I have done as with the aspects of who I have become. I have a nagging sense that all is not as it should be.
— John Ortberg
6. I'm speechless. I'm so disappointed in myself. It's just a wall. I've got to find a way to break that wall and come out. My confidence is there, I'm just not playing. I don't know what's wrong with me. I'm just not playing.
— Devan Downey
7. I resent you for being soo shitty to me, but I'm more angry and disappointed with myself for constantly putting up with it.
— Unknown
8. At this moment I am feeling disappointed with myself and I am hurt and numb.
— Ronnie O'sullivan
9. I get disappointed with myself sometimes because I'm not perfect. I feel like I should be by now. It's simple stuff like taking the right steps and hand placement.
— Ben Grubbs
10. I had to explain that I was disappointed in myself, but they got a read that I was angry with an attitude,... I was angry with myself.
— Unknown
11. I'm disappointed that I could't keep it up on the back nine, but it was a good effort. I think I proved myself.
— Unknown
12. If I even lose my glasses or make a mistake. I become really disappointed in myself.
— Kenny G
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