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Picture Quotes on Mind and Limit
A limitation is a limitation when you perceive it as one. In truth, there really are no limitations. Perception creates reality and whatever you perceive something to be, you create it to be. Hence when something appears to be a limitation but you do not perceive it as one, it will not become something that limits you. Having a mindset of no limitation is very powerful because it causes you to become unstoppable. When you perceive yourself to have no limitation, you will become totally irresistible to others.
"The mind that perceives the limitation is the limitation"
~ Buddha ~
People want to be free and they are drawn to others who can make them free. You can’t free others unless you yourself are free. Being in the presence of someone who perceive no limitation is so liberating, because makes you feel that you can be, do and have anything you desire. People who have no limitation have great influence over us because they are able to make us do anything they want. We feel under their control as they are able to have their way with us and make us drop all our inhibitions.
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