• The best way to built trust-How to rebuilt trust after broken part 4

The best way to built trust-How to rebuilt trust after broken part 4

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Wednesday, 01/06/2016 02:06

Trust can be rebuilt. It takes time, communication and pure hornesty. Let's read on 2quote.net



Moving Forward if Someone Betrayed You


Try to let go of your anger. Once you let out your anger, let it go. After you have discussed the betrayal, you need to let it stay in the past. Even if you feel sad or angry now, you won’t feel this way forever. Don’t bring it up in future arguments, especially if the other person has shown an effort to make amends for the action.

If you still notice that you are holding onto your negative feelings, think about why you are having trouble letting go. Is it because your partner is still behaving in a way that betrays your trust? Or is it because of your personal issues related to your own past history?



Adjust your expectations. Even if someone never wants to hurt you, no one will be able to give you exactly what you need, 100 percent of the time. Once you understand that you should not expect perfection, you can get a better idea of how much trust you actually can put in the other person. 

The goal is to be realistic, not to let yourself get walked all over. Accept that everyone can slip up here and there. However, don’t ever let anyone get away with hurting you intentionally or with intentional neglect.



Give and receive love. You need to be willing to accept and love the person who betrayed you, and you also need to accept the love that person gives you in return. When your betrayer tries to express affection, accept that the acts of affection are the real thing. Try to accept an action that seems honest. 


                            SEE MORE: LOVE QUOTES, HOW TO REBUILT TRUST PART 1


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